5 Books That Change Your Perspective on Life
What makes a great book, anyway? Think back to the most memorable books you've read. They're gripping. You experience intense reactions as you read them. And most of all? They change you. Here are 5 books that will change your perspective on life. If you're looking for a fresh read that's motivated and uplifting, check these […]
How to Enjoy Your General Education Classes in College
Kinda sucks, doesn’t it? You enter college thinking it’s about taking courses on topics you want to study, not more general education requirements. In reality, most of your first two years of college are spent taking these mandatory classes (aka your “gen ed” courses). Like most things in life, there are pros and cons when […]
4 Reasons Why You Should Do an Internship in College
You’ve heard the advice a bazillion times. Get experience before you finish school and you’ll have a better shot at getting hired when you graduate. Everyone makes it sound so easy...as if your schedule wasn’t already packed with exams and studying. Here’s the thing: Internships are a stepping stone that can launch your entire career. […]
Why is Crazy Rich Asians Important? Here are 5 Reasons to Read the Novel.
It’s already crushed tons of records over the last month, but Crazy Rich Asians shows no signs of slowing down its box office domination yet. The mainstream rom-com has become the biggest summer hit in this genre since 2015. Why all the buzz? Why is Crazy Rich Asians important? Well, it’s significant for two reasons. […]
Is College Worth the Cost in 2018?
Want to know whether college is still worth it in 2018? Here’s a crazy fact: If you add up all of the student loan debt in the US, it reaches over $1.4 trillion dollars. It’s hard to visualize just how much a trillion dollars is. But […]
5 Inspirational Books for College Students: Freshman to Senior Year
Between classes, studying, work and a personal life--college is a serious balancing act. No matter what year you're in. For instance, everything feels foreign during freshman year. You're encountering new situations and the exhilarating experience of being on your own for the first time. It's exciting...but you probably have a lot of questions. But what about […]
Find Out the Average Starting Salary for College Graduates in 2018
I remember it so vividly. Watching my parents smile proudly at me. Snapping hundreds of selfies with my classmates. Walking across the stage and shaking the dean’s hand. You never forget the day you graduate from college. Graduation day is packed with emotion. There’s the rush of excitement, accomplishment, and awe. The next day? Reality […]
6 Must-Have Tech Gadgets for College Students
Seriously, why do college checklists have so much stuff on them? When some of them have upwards of 150 items, how do you know what you actually need to bring along to school? Obviously, you need school supplies, textbooks, clothing, and shower gear. But to be 100% honest, outside of your basic living essentials...you probably […]