Buying Textbooks
3 Easy Ways to Save Money in College

We’re sure you’re well aware of all the buzz surrounding college tuition. With an average price tag of $20,000 for four years of school, it goes without saying that higher education is expensive.  However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t cut costs in some areas of school. Today, we’re going to show you a few […]

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Buying Textbooks
Why Are College Textbooks So Expensive?

Are you sick of tired of paying hundreds of dollars for a textbook you might only crack open once all semester? Yeah, I thought so. We all know textbooks are expensive by now. That part doesn’t really come as a surprise to us anymore. On the other hand, that awareness still doesn’t ease the sticker […]

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6 Must-Have Tech Gadgets for College Students

Seriously, why do college checklists have so much stuff on them? When some of them have upwards of 150 items, how do you know what you actually need to bring along to school? Obviously, you need school supplies, textbooks, clothing, and shower gear. But to be 100% honest, outside of your basic living probably […]

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Textbook List
The six best cookbooks to make a healthy meal

If you’ve found you’re making the same trusty recipes each week, it may be time to turn to оnе of these healthy cookbooks for a dose of іnѕріrаtіоn. Whether уоu’rе looking to shift a few pounds, want to up your veggie intake or are trying to get the whole fаmіlу eating well, this selection should […]

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Textbook List
The five best parenting books to be the best Mom or Dad you can be

When folks become brand-nеw dаdѕ and moms or are going through some challenges with ѕmаll children, they оftеn feel frustrated and seek help. Many don't know who оr what to turn to nor who could help them with their dіffісultіеѕ араrt from trained authorities such as consultants. But fоr a lоt of mothers and fathers, […]

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Buying Textbooks
Five mistakes to avoid when buying textbooks online

Often times people whoare trying to buy the textbooks they need for their classes, they will make a mistake.... and often times a very costly mistake. Textbooks can be expensive and places that buy books back from you often will give you a mear fraction of what you paid. You'd be lucky to find a […]

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Textbook List
The six best Physics books that Einstein would have loved

If you are looking to buy the best physics books online, look no further! This hand curated list contains our favorite books from all realms of physics including Mathematical, Theoretical, Quantum, and Relativity. College and highschool students will most often have to take some form of physical science and the best way to learn in any […]

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Website Updates
Do you have something to say?!

We are pleased to announce a new feature to Textbook Nova that we will be testing out over the next few weeks... comments! When a visitor has found any book on the site they are now able to use a Disqus plugin that will allow them to comment on that specific book. We can share […]

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Website Updates
Improvements made to help get your results faster!

We have been hard at work continually improving the algorithms Textbook Nova uses to find your academic materials. You are now able to get faster and more relevant search results using our search function. You may also notice the textbook details page has improved dramatically. Users are able to vote on how relevant a book […]

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