Improvements made to help get your results faster!

We have been hard at work continually improving the algorithms Textbook Nova uses to find your academic materials. You are now able to get faster and more relevant search results using our search function.

You may also notice the textbook details page has improved dramatically. Users are able to vote on how relevant a book is (how closely it matches the terms that were searched) and also specify what type of program that book is used in. What this means is that Textbook Nova can now prioritize results based on how users are saying they actually are using the book. If a book is useful to you (or matches exactly the book you were looking for) then give it a vote of 5 stars to make the book more visible for the next person that is looking for the same textbook. Conversely, if you find a book that is nowhere near what you were looking for give it 1 star to say "I found this book, but it is nowhere near what I needed".

If you are using a book for a Bachelor's degree program go ahead and vote to say what you are doing with it. This will help other users be more confident that they have found the book they need when they see that their peers are also finding the same book. Additionally, it will help professors when deciding which book to base a curriculum on. Finally it can help publishers learn about their audience and know where the book is being used.

We hope you make good use of these new features and find the exact academic materials you need to succeed this semester!

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