Tips For Distance Learning And Remote Work

Need some help being productive with your distance learning or remote work? Below, we go over some of the best tips for helping you make the most of your time working from home!

Remote study and work are two of the most modern challenges this new decade has gifted to us.

In fact, it’s a whole new way of life, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the prospect of it, especially when you're used to learning or working in person rather than over the internet.

But it is possible to be productive and keep on top of everything, even from your bedroom.

So to help you make the most of your time working or studying remotely, we've created the following list of tips for staying focused even when working from home!

person using macbook pro on bed

Maintain Routine 

Routine and discipline will keep you sane. Without them, you’ll possibly forget that you are.

Without a solid daily routine, it's easy to get distracted and lose focus on what really needs to be done.

So, do yourself a favour and plan out your day.

Factor in time around your scheduled lectures and zoom meetings for note-taking, replying to emails, completing assignments, readings, group work and whatever else you need to do. 

Put together a ‘to-do list’ at the start of every day.

It can help to list everything you want to accomplish, including “eat breakfast,” brush teeth,” “cut own bangs,” etc.

Even ticking off these small, minor tasks helps and will give you a sweet dopamine rush, keeping you on your productive, merry way!

person using macbook pro on bed

Cut Out Distractions

The internet is an alluring feast of digestible garbage, and that’s a fact! 

However, very little of that garbage will help you pass your next exam, and a whole lot of it will only hinder your success.

If you’re struggling to stay off social media, try blocking those sites using an app during your study hours or simply keeping your phone on ‘Airplane mode.’

You can schedule website blocks using software like Cold Turkey.

Fret not, however; those tempting time-wasting sites will be accessible once again in your allotted free time.

white printer paper beside silver laptop computer


Remote learning can often make you feel cut off from the rest of the world and the ones you love, and feelings of isolation can easily cause us to fall into an unmotivated slump. 

The truth is, we need others to keep us energized and motivated.

In fact, maintaining regular contact with your school lecturers and classmates is a lifeline connecting you to the external world and a key to keeping on track while doing your work from home.

Stay engaged and active in lectures by contributing questions and ideas instead of just putting yourself on mute and cruising along without paying any attention.

Stay present, and I promise you, you’ll get a lot more in return.

If you’re really struggling with your new set up and impacting your work, don't hesitate to talk to your professors or student support teams.

If they know what’s going on, they can offer help and suggestions on making your remote learning as seamless as possible.

man in black leather jacket sitting on brick wall holding smartphone

Create a designated workspace

Your bed may feel like a soft, plump marshmallow, but reclined inertia doesn’t lead to optimal productivity. 

In other words, ensure you’ve got an organized desk, a comfortable chair and only the relevant resources at your disposal. 

Suppose you’re lucky enough to have a separate room to work in, even better.

But just having an established work/study space, even in your bedroom, is going to help get you into the right state of mind for getting things done.

turned off laptop computer on top of brown wooden table

Do other things

Factoring in time for other activities is essential for keeping your mind refreshed and preventing you from getting too restless. In fact, if you're only staring at a screen from morning until night, every day of the week, it won't be long before you start to feel like you're losing your mind.

Try indoor workouts, walking outside, cooking, baking, taking a bath, reading a novel, writing in your journal, painting, knitting, sewing, crotchet, playing the trumpet (while being mindful of the neighbours, of course.) 

The key is to do anything to give yourself a break from studying or working relentlessly.

Try to get away from a screen for portions of your day, especially in the evening time. This will help you wind down, allowing you to sleep better and simply giving your mind proper rest from all the online work or study. 

Activities that involve using your hands can be extremely meditative too, and getting in some exercise will improve your mood immeasurably.

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person reading book on brown wooden table taken at daytome

Be Kind to Yourself

Finally, it is paramount that you treat yourself with kindness and compassion, especially when you're isolated from the rest of the world.

Practice self-care, try meditation or relaxing yoga poses, treat yourself to those small things you've earned, or even binge-watch some terrible TV from time to time, so long as it helps you unwind.

Maybe you’re not working at 100% capacity, but that’s OK.

It’s a challenging time for everyone, and we’re all just doing the best we can with the best we’ve got.

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