6 Best Habits Of A Successful Student

Wondering how to be the most successful student you can be? Check out the following list of 6 awesome habits that you need in your life!

From weekly homework and monthly assignments to studying for that big final exam (all while trying to eat right!), it’s no wonder many students feel overwhelmed throughout the year. 

The good news is that it’s completely possible to get ahead of this frustation by developing good habits.

After all, good habits help students succeed. 

So if you want to get ahead in the classroom, we’ve outlined the following list of 6 habits of successful students. 

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

Take Notes (And Lots Of 'Em!)

It’s important to take notes while your instructor teaches a lesson. Taking good notes helps you to stay engaged during class.

But the best part is that good notes also make great review and study materials. 

Handwritten Notes

Successful students take notes by hand.

Studies show that taking notes by hand is associated with more meaningful learning compared to students who use a laptop. Taking notes by hand also gives students the advantage when noting graphs, illustrations, and charts. 

As a result, a student who reviews handwritten notes has an advantage over a student who reviews notes written on a laptop.  

woman wearing blue denim jacket holding book

Listen for Verbal Cues

Taking good notes doesn’t mean you need to record every word your teacher says during class. 

In fact, it's better to listen for verbal cues, and only jot down the most important keywords that will cue your memory later on.

In other words, when a teacher says, “this is really important”, or “this is critical”, that information is likely going to be something you need to write down. Leave the rest out.

Stay Organized

Student life requires you to take many different courses at the same time.

For example, you might be studying General Arts, which will require you to take a variety of math English, and science courses all at the same time.

This is why staying organized is one of the best habits of successful students. 

person using MacBook Pro

Separate Your Time By Subject

When it’s time to study or complete a project, don’t waste time trying to locate the right material.

Successful students file or separate each subject into different binders, folders, or notebooks. 

That way, when it comes time to study, you'll already know where all your study materials are, and you won't waste time digging through unorganized notes.

Organize Your Work Space

Completing homework or assignments in an organized space is also a great habit of successful students. Using a designated, quiet space helps the mind recognize that it’s time to focus.  

black marker on notebook - successful student

Get An Agenda

Use an agenda to write down all your assignments, extracurricular activities, and anything else that affects your day to day schedule. 

Then, make sure to refer to your agenda as often as possible to make the most of your time.

This will help you to plan study sessions and get homework done on time, every time!

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Eat Regular Meals

Successful students don’t just take good notes and stay organized. They also know the importance of eating regular, healthy meals. 

Avoid Junk Food

Junk food doesn’t provide any of the nutrients you need to excel in school.

According to the Washington Post, eating junk food for just a few days is enough to slow down your metabolism. After eating junk food, your blood sugar can drop, which can make you feel cranky and tired. 

Neither helps you to focus on learning.

bowl of vegetable salads - successful student

Eat A Well-Balanced Diet

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet increases your ability to focus and learn. In fact, just one healthy meal a day is enough to reduce inflammation and mental stress.

A healthy student is a successful student.  

Remember to Breathe

When you take shorter breaths, your body reacts by triggering a fight or flight response, which leads to an increase in mental stress and anxiety. 

And as you already know, stress and anxiety don’t make it easy to achieve success. 

Breathing Breaks

Take the time to breathe deeply when studying, sitting in class, or even during breaks. Breathing breaks keep you focused and will increase feelings of calm and well-being.  

woman sitting on hill - successful student

When you feel calm and well, you can focus on your studies. This is why successful students develop this habit. 

Make Time to Study

It might seem obvious, but the most successful students study every day. This helps to break up their material into considerably more manageable chunks. 

Be Consistent!

Always plan when you’re going to study, and do your best to stick to that plan. Whether in the morning, afternoon, or evening, keep this study time part of your daily routine.

A consistent study routine will help you to develop this habit. 

Find a Study Group

While making time to study every day is important, finding a study group can also increase your chances of success.

three people sitting in front of table laughing together

Teach To Learn

Study groups allow you to teach others and answer questions. 

There’s no better way to figure out whether or not you know or understand the material than when you have to explain it to someone else. 

At the same time, you'll also be able to pick up new ideas and perspectives from those that you're studying with!

woman wearing academic cap and dress selective focus photography - successful student

Positive Habits Make Successful Students

The important thing to remember is to use these habits of successful students to aim high. 

After all, there’s no doubt that students who develop good habits, tend to see greater success throughout their education and beyond.  

So what are you waiting for? Try out these tested habits of successful students and see for yourself how well they work. 

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