How To Have A Productive Summer As A College Student

Getting ready for summer break? Wondering how to have a productive summer? Check out this month's featured blog posts on some of the best, most productive summer tips for students.

After a full year of classes, assignments, essays, study groups, and exams, it's finally time for your much-needed summer vacation.

But what's the most productive way to spend your summer? Working? Traveling? Relaxing?

Whatever your plans are, summer vacation is the ideal opportunity for students to break away from academia. And to start exploring some of the activities that they wouldn't normally have the time for during the school year.

So with that in mind, I've put together the following post on the 6 most productive ways to spend your summer 2020 away from school.

hammock hanged on tree

Learn A New Skill

One major part of studying in college or university is learning new skills that you'll be able to use in your future career. So why not try to get ahead of the game by learning a new skill or two over the course of your summer vacation!

Maybe you're studying computer programming or computer sciences. In which case, learning new skills like coding or website design would be an excellent idea.

This is because they're relevant to what you're studying, even though the may not be directly related.

Either way, the point is to look for new skills that are either interesting to you, or that are relevant to your field. And then, you can get a head start on your classmates by learning an extra skill or two.

Get An Internship Or Job In Your Field

There's literally no better way to apply the knowledge you've learned over the course of the school year than by getting an internship or a part-time job for the summer.

Even if it's only an unpaid internship, working in a relevant field is an excellent way to learn more about how businesses in your industry work, as well as gaining a bit of much-needed experience to add to your resume.

man in gray sweatshirt sitting on chair in front of iMac How To Have A Productive Summer

Plus, at the same time, you'll also be building invaluable connections with local businesses and individuals, all while determining whether or not a career in your field is going to be right for you.

Start A New Hobby

Summer vacation is an amazing opportunity for exploring your interests and pursuing your own personal creativity.

Obviously, your schedule is no longer being tied down by classes or study time. Therefore, you'll have plenty of extra time to take lessons and learn a new hobby, or simply indulge in a hobby that you rarely have time for during the school year.

Take a painting class, learn how to draw, pick up an instrument; the possibilities are virtually endless.

But the point is to use your summer vacation productively.

So instead of staring at social media all summer long, take the time to learn something new!

pile of assorted-title books How To Have A Productive Summer

Read Books

If you're in school, then I'm sure you've already done plenty of reading these past semesters.

But still, your summer vacation is the perfect time to pick up and read books that aren't related to your schooling.

For instance, let's say you're studying physics, but have a secret love of reading classical fiction novels. In this case, summer is the perfect time to put away your boring physics textbooks and pick up something by Dickens or Thoreau to help you make the most of the warmer days of the year.


There's practically no better way to use your time than by making a positive impact on your community.

So why not try volunteering with a local charity to help you apply your newfound skills in a meaningful, hands-on way?

Especially when it comes to research programs, there are bound to be many volunteer positions available in your community.

How To Have A Productive Summer person standing wearing red shirt

And volunteering doesn't always have to be boring.

In fact, there are almost always organizations that need help with festivals and events, which can give your volunteer experience a whole new, exciting edge.

Explore Your City

This one is especially important for students who are studying abroad or that aren't living in their hometowns; get out there and explore the city that you live in!

Try to imagine yourself as a tourist on vacation in your town. Think about the main attractions that you'd want to see or the history that you'd like to learn about.

You might even consider joining a local walking tour to help you learn more about your city.

In turn, you'll be able to gain a new perspective on your local culture that you may have underappreciated before.

Woman on an inflatable float in the ocean pointing with a finger at Posidi How To Have A Productive Summer

Making The Most Of Your Summer Vacation 2020

Of course, the activities I've mentioned above only represent a few different ways that you can use to make the most of your summer vacation. In fact, there are literally hundreds of things you can start doing for a fun, productive summer.

The point is that it's important to do something productive, rather than sitting inside all summer, starting at your phone or being on social media.

So get out there, join a volunteer program, take a course, or pick up that book you've been wanting to read!

Just make sure that you're not wasting your time.

In the end, summer vacation goes by fast.

Therefore, it's important to make the most out of every single day, and use your time in any productive way you can think of.

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