The six best Mathematics textbooks that will blow your mind

If you are interested in buying the right textbook for mathematics online, then you need to check out our collection of the six best mat textbook that are specifically written for students in college. Mathematics, in general, is the study of things like numbers, structure, space and change. Math is a subject that is essential for everyone in the world. The basic mathematical operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and there's an extremely good chance that we use all four of these on a daily basis! So it is essential to know the basics as well as the more advanced uses of mathematics. Math is taught to students from their early school years up to their final degree years and further. So lets have a look at our collection of six best mathematical college textbooks.

1. Finite Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 13th Edition

This mathematics textbook is for students in the freshman or sophomore year. The book is specially designed to help students help themselves excel in the course. The book offers more guidance than any other in the online book market. This textbook provides a better learning and teacher experience as it feature the MyMathLab addon. This supplements the course with online homework and learning tools that helps any student when learning the course. There are more than forty-two thousand exercises in this textbook which help a student prepare for their tests and exams that may come in a course requiring this textbook.

2. College Mathematics, 9th Edition by Cleave and Hobbs

College Mathematics is specially designed for students in the college freshman or sophomore year. The book explores common courses like business, social science, economics, and life sciences. This college textbook is designed to help students succeed in any course that requires this material. This textbook has more guidance embedded in it than any other textbook in the online books market. The book provides a better learning and teaching experience than many others, and as an added bonus it also includes MyMathLab.

3. Algebra for College Students

The book covers the basics of algebra for any college student. The writer, Bob Blitzer, uses realistic applications in his textbook and makes it easy for anyone to understand. This overview develops curiosity among students about the mathematical concepts of the world. Topics included in the textbook are relevant to the college course and level of understanding. These topics are mostly pulled from recent pop culture and everyday life that ensures that students will really use their learning skills to achieve success. This book is also accompanied by MyMathLab, which enables students to get their homework done online along with many other learning features.

4. College Algebra and Trigonometry by Margaret L. Lial

College Algebra and Trigonometry consists of four courses of algebra and trigonometry. This textbook combines the experience of master teachers to help students develop both the analytical skills and conceptual understanding necessary for success in math classes. Algebra and Trigonometry are two major courses so it is important to choose a well written book like this one. MyMathLab also accompanies this book like many of the others. This feature helps students assess their understanding of the programs that are specially designed to work with this book’s course. This makes students practice more and more to have a better understanding of their courses concepts of algebra and trigonometry.

5. Calculus: Early Trancendentals, 2nd Edition

The book is designed for a three-semester or four-quarter calculus course. This textbook covers single-variable and multi-variable calculus intended for mathematics, engineering and most scientific majors. This Calculus textbook is the most successful text published in the last 20 years. The writers Briggs, Cochran and Gillett draw students in to the narrative through the writing that reflects the voice of an instructor. Examples are narrative and symbolic and figures are designed in a way that teaches students can help to understand the core concepts of Calculus. MyMathLab also accompanies this college textbook like the others. This book offers a high quality teaching and learning experience through the organization and preparation of content that facilitates learning.

6. Math Lit, 2nd Edition

Math Lit college textbook provides a one-semester alternative to the traditional two semester algebra sequence for non-STEM students. This basic approach offers students an accelerated pathway to college readiness through developmental math. Preparing students to move directly into introductory statistics, liberal art math and intermediate algebra. This book also contains the MyMathLab with the same features as of any book that is accompanied by this software.

These books are some of the best books for mathematics students in college. These books cover courses from basic mathematics to career selection courses and all of these books are readily available at books online stores and in the market.

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